Monday, July 23, 2012

Session 1: 7/21

The Story So Far...

Coulter brought Erik the (human) cleric to the table, Mary played as Aislinn (a somewhat socially stunted Shardmind Psion), and Conni rolled up an Asmodeus-worshipping pixie bard exile by the name of Hyacinth.
My NPC - Torwal, a goliath paladin - was leader and shepherd of the group.

Erik and Hyacinth both encountered Torwal & Aislinn at the Shrine of Kings outside Emberwane.
They were recruited into the Guardians' investigation of increased necromantic activity.
To that end, they set off to the Abbey of St. Tranda, where a zombie uprising has trapped 14 monks in their ancient home.

It was almost two days' journey to the Abbey, and the night's camp was intruded upon by two not-so-stealthy goblins.
Both were quickly spotted and scared off back into the woods.

Upon arriving at the Abbey the next day, the adventurers handily defeated a dozen zombies outside the gates.
They then decided to enter the Abbey through its kitchen outbuilding, rather than fight two rather large undead giants.
In the darkness of the kitchen, however, they encountered a horrific undead aberration comprised of the kitchen's various meats (after all - dead flesh is dead flesh to a necromancer).
The creature - dubbed "the Sneaksy" by Aislinn - put up quite a fight, briefly knocking out Erik the cleric.
In the end, everyone survived the encounter with minimal damage, even though Hyacinth and Aislinn had both been pounced upon by the zombie meat golem.

With the kitchen secured, the adventurers made their way through the tunnel that lead to the Abbey.
Aislinn decided to make her presence known by pounding on the door and calling for the "smart fleshbags" to answer.
After a bit of confusion, the monks summoned Prior Caelor, the leader of the monks.

An investigation is underway by the adventurers to determine the cause and extent of the necromantic magic.
Torwal has retired to the Abbey's guest quarters, being somewhat in disagreement with the group's methods.
Suspicion has fallen on Seleth, a recent initiate who was seen writing a coded letter and who has a locked box hidden under his bed.
Other monks have been questioned, but nothing conclusive has yet been discovered.

At the time of the session's end, Aislinn was asking the various monks if anyone could build her a new Sneaksy to take back to Kregis (master of the Guardians), and she is reporting her findings to Torwal.
Erik and Hyacinth are investigating the chapel of the Abbey with the Prior's assistance, hoping that the body of Saint Tranda is not somehow involved with the zombie plague.

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